Mobile Tea House aims to reimagine how we gather. Neither indoor nor outdoor, it is immersed in what we usually call 'the environment', while providing a frame of reference for focused attention, even contemplation. It is built from reclaimed materials and uses the tea plant as a stain for both the wooden floor and the raw silk fabric.
b e i n g - s o u n d aims to change how we listen. The project balances on the threshold between music and sound, between recorded samples and live input, between acoustic instruments and digital sources.
For this performance we will use binaural microphones and wireless ("Silent Disco") headphones. We will serve warm Organic White Peony (Bai Mudan) Tea*.
There will be three 30-minute performances with an audience limit of 12 per performance. To maximize fairness, we make available 8 advance tickets per time slot and will hold 4 more tickets for each slot for the day of the show on a first-come-first-serve-basis. All tickets are FREE.
PS21: Performance Spaces for the 21st Century is a contemporary arts venue presenting innovative programming by leading and emerging artists in music, dance, theater, contemporary performance, and the visual and multi-media arts.
FUNDING CREDIT: This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered in Columbia County by the Greene County Council on the Arts dba CREATE Council for Resources to Enrich the Arts, Technology & Education.