Mobile Tea House looks like a structure, but maybe it is not. 

Maybe it is a frame,
A frame for focusing attention, a frame for contemplation,

Or maybe it is a dream? 

A dream of an architecture woven out of burnt old wood and tea-stained raw silk,

Or is it a threshold?

A threshold between waking life and dreaming, between the human and non-human worlds, between what we consider ‘us’ and what we usually call ‘the environment,’

Or is it a sound, 

The sound of what was, of what is, of what could be?

The sound of humming hydrothermal vents and purring whales, of distant train whistles, and near singing bowls, the sound of people excited to be gathering again,

Then is it a gathering? 

A gathering of humans, hosted by the tea plant, a gathering of coalescing pearl-visions of the future, a gathering of whale memories swimming up the River that Flows Two Ways,

So maybe it is a way,

A way of meeting a place,

Or maybe it is something entirely different? 

Sit with us and have some tea, let's listen together. 

Let’s imagine what this could be. 

The Mobile Tea House project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered in Columbia County by the Greene County Council on the Arts dba CREATE Council for Resources to Enrich the Arts, Technology & Education.